CA+RMAP - Culfidant A+ Resident Magnetic Attracting Platform
If An investment that costs $1500.00 and delivers the following 2 results:
01 – Pay back the full amount of $1500.00 in 30 days or less.
02 – Pay you a dividend of $1500.00/yr for the next 3-5 years.
How would you like to response to it? Impossible?
This is what the CA+RMAP program is going to deliver. And here is how
If you are a landlord, below should be something natural to you:
Base scenario -self-renting a home ($1500 as the rent) traditionally
- It may take 45-60 days on average to rent it out
- the average lease term is 1 year before renting it again.
Renting the same home via CA+RMAP (cost ~1 month rent)
- It takes 11-30 days on average to fill the vacancy.
- A+ tenants on average stay 3-5 years before moving out.
By filling the vacancy with 30 days less than the traditional way, a full- month rent is back to you.
By having A+ tenant enjoy the home for 3-5 year instead of turn-over each year, you make or save a month rent/year.
Welcome to the magic “CA+RMAP” – check out the sections below to find out how it works!
CA+RMAP stands for Culfidant A+ Resident Magnetic Attracting Platform.
This platform service attracts the best of the best tenants moving into your home in less than 45 days guaranteed.
The secrets? by turning an ordinary renting home into a A+ tenant magnet, automating the entire renting process, and focusing the landlord’s time/energy on what matters most,
Since its first real life application in 2016, CA+RMAP platform has been used to screen over 50,000 prospects successfully; achieved an overall record of 25-day to fill a vacancy and tenants staying for over 3-5 years on average since its full scale commercial application.
In the following we are going to walk you thorough briefly how it works.
This package is available for on-demand and or Standard members. Here is how it works.
Step 00 – Free consultation
Book a free 30-minute consultation Zoom meeting to make sure this is the right service for your property.
Step01 – Preparation
To set up the on-demand service, you will provide all the home details to set up the CA+RMAP platform for your property. Click here to order the service.
If you are the current regular or VIP member, skip this step to the next.
Step 02 -“Culfidant home transformation”
You will receive a detailed checklist for you to follow and bring up the home to Culfidant home standard.
Next, you book the professional video/photo trip to get the specialized video and photos taken.
Click here to see an example of “transformed Culfidant home”.
Step 03 – Swan Marketing readiness
Upon the completion of the professional video/photos, the platform will have the “Swan marketing readiness” completed within 2 business days. It includes to:
- write professional Culfidant ad.
- Activate Culfidant AI to fine tune rents
- Build FSC designated pages for the “Swan”
- Set up in-person viewing online booking.
- Create online application form
- Broadcast to the optimized prospects
- Construct 7/24 instant inquiry reply
- Test all the interfaces and work flows
By the end of this step, the “swan” shall be fully ready to glow its breathtakingly astounding beauty, which attracts the best of the best.
Click here for a real example of the “Swan”.
Step 04 – Magnet in action
With literally thousands of views generated by the Swan effect within a short few days or a week, another core function of the platform is also in action invisibly – it is called the magnetic effect – Here is how it looks in a nutshell:
CA+RMAP systems automatically answers the inquiries, directs them to the showing page while repelling and screening the less desirable out.
Instead of spending hours to answer inquiries, screen tenants, book viewings, all these tedious yet necessary parts are being taken care of by CA+RMAR except a few odd ones that you can quickly send them to CA+RMAP to be taken care of.
All you need is to wait at the door for the right ones lined up for showing – automatically.
Step 05, Showing, applying and processing
During the showing, you get a real feel on which one is likely the best fit and direct whether CARMAP should follow up or not [004]
When the right one decides to go ahead to apply, they can fill in the application form at their finger tip.
You receive the application and process it as per out standard template [003], send back all the info to CARMAP, which will get the final score back to you via the “Culfidant tenant screening score” system”. With a solid overall score in hand, it is a piece of cake to make a crystal clear and decisive decision.
Step 06 – Lease signing and funds collecting
Upon the approval of the application, the lease is ready for the prospects to review and sign off.
The first-month rent and the security deposit is to be paid in full within 48 hrs.
CA+RMAP will deactivate your platform and the whole service are done
In Summary
CA+RMAP is highly efficient and powerful, you have the full control of the whole renting process with the focus to select the best of the best in half of the time, with the high quality tenants to enjoy home for the year to come, which brings win-win for all~!
Like it and want to try it out? – Click here to order. [001]
The total investments/fees to set up and enjoy CA+RMAP service are:
Setup fee of $695.00
it s one-time only fee of $695.00 to set up the CA+RMAP for your home via our back-end computer system and to cover professional photographer’s on site visit.
If this is your first time with us, please book 30-minute free Zoom consultation meeting to make sure it is the right fit.
Service fee with the option of $30.00/month
The service fee to fill in the vacancy is 1 month rent or $1395.00, whichever is higher.
You may choose to make the lump-sum payment when the home is rented out. Or,
Go with the option of “core-membership-trial” with $30.00/month (you can end the trial at any time you choose)
Click here for the FAQs about CA+RMAP service.