Tenants and landlords together...
The Culfidant community consists of A+ tenants and A+ landlords who share the belief in renting, sharing, and caring based on mutual respect. There are two types of memberships available: Tenant and Landlord.
Tenant membership
is open exclusively to tenants who support Culfidant’s vision of home renting, sharing and caring. To learn more about the benefits of tenant membership, assess your suitability for membership, and join the culfidant tenant membership board exlcusively, click here.
Landlord membership
is a paid option for landlords who share the values of the Culfidant community. Instead of the two traditional ways of managing rental property, which are either 100% self-management or hiring a professional property manager, they choose the third option of turning their rental home into an A+ home for the long term with minimal effort, cost efficiency, and full control of the property. Two types of landlord memberships are available: Standard and VIP.
To learn more about the benefits of standard landlord membership, self-assessment, services, how to enroll, and more, please click here. To find out more about VIP membership, please click here.