Welcome to Culfidant University – where we share the learnings daily with like-minded members of landlords and tenants, in the pursuit of the quest to “share homes happily, travel cultures freely and make friends globally”.
One goal is simple – keep it real, practical and sharable.
Keeping real and honest is the solidest foundation we like to build everything upwards that lasts for years to come.
Making e the knowledges practical and can be used by others right away, this is the best path to win-win.
There are 4 parts in our university
Without further due, let’s begin.
2021-08-07, Congratulations to Amber for buying her home after staying with us for 3+ years!. See video below for a 3-minute interview with Amber!
Coming soon…
coming soon…
QA401 – How to renew fixed lease term annually? It is time to renew the lease again, how to decide if I should renew or not, what is the right rents and how does the new rents make sense? should I increase, decrease the rents or keep it the same and why? when is the best time to do it?… this post shall give you all the right answers on these questions. Click here for details.